Head Office: 0800 048 8955

How to make a complaint and provide feedback

Your views matter

We welcome your feedback to help us improve our services.

Sometimes things go wrong and our services can fall short of your expectations but if this happens, we want to hear from you.

Our customer advocacy team will work with you to put right what has gone wrong, wherever possible. They will also make sure all necessary learning takes place and services are improved as a result of your complaint.

“Advocacy means getting support from another person to help you express your views and wishes, and help you stand up for your rights. Someone who helps you in this way is called your advocate.”

Source: Mind

Our policy sets out what you can expect from us when you make a complaint. To learn more about how we work with our customers to put things right, you can read our key facts sheet and full policy. 

Complaints and feedback policy Complaints and feedback policy – key facts
How can I make a complaint?

We want you to be able to make a complaint in a way that’s easiest for you.

You can make a complaint in lots of ways:

  • Sending us a private message on Facebook  
  • Contacting us on live chat
  • In person, to a member of our team
  • Or by writing to us at:
    Customer advocacy team
    Housing Plus Group
    Acton Court
    Acton Gate
    Stafford, ST18 9AP

When making a complaint, please give us as much detail as possible about what went wrong. Let us know when it happened, who was affected and how. And don’t forget to give us your name, address and contact details.

Please note: This form is not for reporting anti-social behaviour or problems with your neighbours. It also should not be used to report a repair for the first time.

To report anti-social behaviour or problems with your neighbours please contact your neighbourhood officer or use our online form. To report a non-emergency repair for the first time please use our online form.

What happens after you receive a complaint?

There are two stages to our complaint’s procedure. Our overall aim is to get things right at the first instance and resolve the matter at Stage one.

Stage one

  • Complaints will be acknowledged within five working days from receipt.
  • An investigation will be carried out and we will call you to discuss the outcome and agree the next steps. We will then send you our findings and proposed solution to you, in writing, within 10 working days of letting you know that we have received your complaint.
  • If you are not happy with the outcome, you can escalate your complaint to Stage two.

Stage two

  • When asking for a review at Stage two, please tell us why you were not happy with the response provided and how you would like us to resolve the complaint.
  • A senior advocacy officer will contact you to discuss the complaint and acknowledge your complaint in writing within five working days.
  • We will carry out an investigation and will provide a written response to the complaint within 20 working days of us acknowledging the request.

If a complaint is more complicated and it is not possible to resolve within the timescales listed, we will contact you to let you know when to expect an answer and why.

What to do if I feel my complaint has not been resolved?

Following completion of our internal complaints procedure, you can refer your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman Service or the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman.

For housing-related complaints

Contact the Housing Ombudsman Service:

Call:               0300 111 3000

Email:           info@housing-ombudsman.org.uk

Complete an online form at:       www.housing-ombudsman.org.uk/contact-us/

For care-related complaints

Contact the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman:

Tel:               0300 061 0614

Website:       https://complaints.lgo.org.uk/

Or, if the complaint relates to a regulatory issue, contact the Care Quality Commission (CQC):

Tel:               0300 061 6161

Email:           enquiries@cqc.org.uk

Website:       www.cqc.org.uk.

The Housing Ombudsman

You can contact the Housing Ombudsman at any stage of your complaint for further advice and assistance.

Tel:               0300 111 3000

Email:           info@housing-ombudsman.org.uk

Website:       www.housing-ombudsman.org.uk

On the Housing Ombudsman website there is also a hub area for residents, where you can find out more about complaints and read other residents’ experiences.

Our self-assessments against the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code can be viewed below:

How to leave a compliment?

It’s always nice to receive compliments when we’ve done something well or exceeded your expectations.

You can leave a compliment in lots of ways:

  • Using our online form.
  • Call our customer services team on 0800 048 8955
  • Emailing feedback@housingplusgroup.co.uk
  • Contacting us on Facebook
  • Contacting us on live chat
  • In person, to a member of our team
  • Or by writing to us at:
    Customer advocacy team
    Housing Plus Group
    Acton Court
    Acton Gate
    Stafford, ST18 9AP
    Contact us on Facebook
Drop-in and see us

Whether you need help to get into work, support to get online or advice to get your finances back on track, we’re here to help.   

Simply drop-in to any of our Community Hubs, where our friendly Employment and Money Advice team will be happy to help. You can find their opening times on the Homes Plus website.
