In 2019 we asked for your support for a merger between Housing Plus Group and Stafford and Rural Homes. You agreed that we should take the opportunity to build a bigger group, offering even better homes and services.
Looking back on 2019/20, the year when we transformed our Group, I am proud of what we have already achieved together. We have increased our housing stock to 18,000 homes, establishing ourselves as a fair landlord able to bring about real change in Staffordshire and Shropshire. We have provided affordable homes for people and families who needed them most and offered help and advice to people in crisis. Above all, we have made a positive difference to homes, lives and communities.
At merger, we said that in joining together, we could offer even better support for our neighbourhoods. I was very pleased to see the support that we provided during 2019/20 resulted in one of our senior ASB and tenancy officers being shortlisted for the Practitioner of the Year Award in the national Resolve ASB Awards. Our housing services team was also nominated for these awards, recognising the work that they do to make our communities safer.
Along with our merger commitment to build more new homes, we are also making sure that empty homes are made available to new tenants as quickly as possible. During this year we created nearly 3,000 new tenancies, with properties re-let in an average of 27.4 days.
And we’re providing the support that customers need, to stay in their homes.
During 2019/20 our teams helped customers who were experiencing financial difficulties to secure almost £3million in additional income. We helped 115 people find new employment or training and helped to widen life opportunities for young people through our partnership with the Prince’s Trust.
Working together, we are achieving long-lasting benefits to our customers, with a fair service that delivers the best possible value, wherever you live.
I hope that you will enjoy reading more about our work and meeting the animated versions of Richard, Tracey and Julie as they share their experiences.