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A resilient organisation, making a positive difference to homes, lives and communities

Head office 0800 048 8955

How to contact us

Housing Plus Group Logo






We have three main offices:

Brassey Road
Old Potts Way

Tel: 0800 048 8955



Acton Court
Acton Gate
ST18 9AP

Tel: 0800 048 8955



The Rurals, 1 Parker Court,
Staffordshire Technology Park,
Stafford ST18 0WP

Tel: 0800 048 8955



Our offices at Acton Gate and Parker Court have been offered for sale.  

We are committed to retaining local offices in Staffordshire and Shropshire, delivering services in the heart of the communities we serve. We also offer a range of other convenient ways for customers and partners to contact us.  

Sarah Boden, chief executive of Housing Plus Group said: “We have been operating two large offices in Stafford. Now, to reflect our hybrid working and deliver better value, we are streamlining our accommodation and reducing our operating costs. This will help us to protect services for customers and provide more much-needed affordable homes.” 



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