This report has been prepared during a time of national challenge and reflects our year of change. For Housing Plus Group, 2019/20 was shaped by our successful merger with Stafford and Rural Homes.
This was an exciting joining together of successful, neighbouring housing providers sharing very similar values and ambitions. Both our organisations were already providing great services. Together, we wanted to make an even bigger difference in our neighbourhoods, providing more homes for families, more care for older customers and better employment opportunities for local people.
The experience, skills, resources and energy of the larger group is already making a fundamental difference to the lives of people and communities.
In the following pages you can read more about our merger and find out how our new Group has begun to work together.
Merger brings change and with it, opportunities to do more. In my previous role as Chair of the Homes Board and as Chair of the Housing Plus Group Board since July 2020, I have seen the organisation embracing that change and seizing the opportunity to make a positive difference to homes, lives and communities.
The new Group is governed by new boards. You can learn more about our boards here